Baby Brother has arrived! | Toronto Newborn Baby Photographer

Baby brother actually arrived quite a while ago, but as you can probably tell from my lack of posting, I've been on a blog hiatus. I figured since it's officially "back to school" time, it should also be "back to blogging" time. I haven't purposely been neglecting my and an extremely busy shooting schedule (both amazing things that I am incredibly thankful for) kind of get in the way sometimes! Anyway, this gorgeous family welcomed their newest family member not long after I shot Mom's maternity session! A third boy, lovingly nicknamed, "Baby Brother"!! What a lucky Mommy to be surrounded by so many boys!

Here are some of the photos I captured of this wonderful baby and his wonderful family!

(P.S. If you would like to follow me and receive blog updates, please enter your e-mail address in the subscription field to the right!)

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It's a bird...It's a plane...It's...

SUPER BABY!!! Toronto Newborn Photographer 7

This cutie patootie flew into my studio (no, just kidding...he didn't fly...but that would be cool, wouldn't it?) all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, intent on proving to me that he would NOT fall asleep! But Superbaby, like most other babies (knock on wood...I'm very superstitious), finally caved into taking a trip to dreamland and I was able to capture some amazing shots of him!

Check out adorable baby Noah! Isn't he SO cute? Noah's parents are HUGE sports fans...can you tell from the pics?!? ;)

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